
3rd Daynion, Sevnion I

Since I had this plan in my head, I can't think of anything else but that. I have to find a wife, but those things are easier to say than to do. Nevertheless, I know that it's important for if I succeed, I could forget all the atrocities I lived and start to live my own life. I got to find a spouse, an indis like we say in our language.


I can still call Magalie, but I feel like friendship about her. Anyway, the mother of my children should be excessively beautiful if I want that our elfic line was popular on this island. There is also Daphnée, the mail deliver-girl. Here is a gorgeous woman and who has a useful job. She does know everything that happens on this island. But feel like we are only friends and doesn't want to marry an elf at all.


We often talk about the war. I tell her what I hear in the city hall and she tells me what she learns during her delivery. We really are accomplices, but not like lovers... And there is this Lucie Duval.


Lucie is one of Daphnée's friend and she was looking for a job. I let her do a few hours of cleaning at home. I didn't like this uniform a lot, but she seemed to be stick with it. It's true that I can see more than I can guess with such a short dress. Still, Lucie is a nice company for all these days where I don't work. She's one of the rare people who walk by in this corner of the island and it's good to talk to someone. I choose to live in this desert place on the island and now I complain about solitude. Be a man, Arthur ! You'll need to make things move before it's too late.


This night, I felt asleep thinking about this day off at home. In this house where I'm so alone. How it would be nice to hear my wife laugh while my kids were running in the garden ! Ach, why isn't there any woman on this island to be my indis ?


Anonymous said...

"It's true that I can see more than I can guess with such a short dress..."

He's quite the voyeur it seems. ;-D

gab75 said...

Hey, nobody's perfect but is not like Leofric yet so not to worry I think. It's a Popularity sim by the way, he just likes to meet people... and look at women ! ^^

J-manandsimsrule said...

Heh, cool blog I enjoy reading it as much as Sally's Pleasentview Prosperity